10 No-Nonsense New Year's Resolutions For Your Home

January 1, 2018

The chaos of the holiday is over, and you’re ready for a fresh start and a return to your routine. Maybe you’ve already made a great New Year’s resolution: to lose weight, to stop smoking or be healthier. The question is, what about your home – the place where you’ll spend more time than any other this year? These ten no-nonsense resolutions will help you improve your home and lifestyle for 2018.

1. Find energy vampires hiding in your home and cast them out. Energy vampires are electronics that drain electricity even when they aren’t actually doing anything. Unplug your TV, stereo and other appliances when they aren’t in use, then track down other culprits and vanquish them.

2. Cut clutter. It’s amazing how much reducing clutter in your home can reduce your stress levels. If you aren’t using something, and it has no sentimental value, let it go! You’ll be surprised by how much cleaner – and how much lighter – your home will feel. Commit to getting rid of one bag of junk or one large item each week this year, and by the end of the year, you’ll be stunned by how much more relaxed you’ll be.

3. Hire someone to take care of a chore you hate. If there’s a chore you constantly put off and that stresses you out every time you have to do it – mowing the lawn, cleaning your kitchen or taking care of basic home repairs, for example – try hiring someone to take care of it for you instead. Using your money to save time and effort is one of the best ways to buy happiness!

4. Find a new way to go green. Some of these strategies are simple: reducing energy usage, swapping to unpaper towels instead of the disposable variety or using green cleaning supplies, for example. Other ways are more complicated: installing solar panels, perhaps. Do some research and find a new way to be eco-friendly in your home this year.

5. Check your smoke detectors. And your carbon monoxide detectors. Make sure your home is free of radon, while you’re at it. A commitment to home safety means making sure you have the right tools to keep your family safe.

6. Start checking off your home improvement list. There are always things that need to be done around your home. This year, commit to checking off one big project each month. Make sure you budget ahead to make your plans reality!

7. Check over your insurance policy. When you hear about disasters that have hit near you, do you start squirming as you wonder how your insurance would handle them? Take the time this year to read over your homeowner’s insurance policy and make any needed changes to your coverage.

8. Meet the neighbors. Get to know the people around you! This year, commit to meeting the people in the homes closest to yours. Consider throwing a neighborhood barbecue or block party to help get everyone connected!

9. Commit to organizing. Organizing the whole house can be a headache. When you tackle one space at a time, however, you’ll quickly start reaping the benefits! Commit to organizing one space each week: a closet, a bookshelf or a cabinet. You’ll quickly see a lot of home improvement benefits.

10. Learn a new skill. As a homeowner, there are a lot of little things you need to do. This year, learn a new skill, whether it’s putting an appliance back together instead of calling the repairman or learning how to hang a door. You’ll be surprised how often those skills come in handy!

This year, it’s time to make over your home along with the rest of your life. These ten resolutions are a great starting place for turning your home into the haven and paradise you’ve always wanted.

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