After buying your new San Joaquin Valley Homes house, the fun starts, namely choosing your décor! One of the most important decisions will be what surface you intend to pick for your countertops. Often these choices are between granite or quartz. Since researching them can be overwhelming, we’ve come up with a list of advantages and disadvantages for both to help you decide. You are also welcome to wander through our model homes and contact the professionals at our design center for more information.
If you’re looking for a natural product, granite is your go to as it’s mined from quarries around the world. And since it’s naturally sourced, no two slabs are the same. Typically, granite arrives as an oversized slab and then cut down to the size you need. Templates are used for sinks, faucets, etc. and then cut and beautifully polished. It comes in a variety of colors and shades with unusual natural markings, making the options infinite. The maintenance involved is daily soap and warm water or a mild cleaner. An annual seal is a good investment to extend its life. Granite is durable and resistant to heat – which is always handy in the kitchen! While it is relatively stain-resistant, it is still good practice to always give it a good wipe if anything spills on its surface. As well, it can be damaged or cracked if it receives a heavy impact blow. Granite tends to cost less than quartz. The price of granite can increase or decrease depending on how unusual its patterning is and where it comes from.
Some people prefer quartz because it’s a more environmentally friendly product as its engineered and not sourced from global mines and transported large distances – all high-energy driven activities. Quartz has the look of real stone (in fact it does contain ground natural quartz), but it is limited in selection and design since it’s manmade. Daily maintenance is similar to granite – warm water, mild cleaning products and soap – but it doesn’t need to be sealed each year. Granite is more durable – it’s a harder surface – and almost indestructible! Quartz is not porous so moisture can’t seep in and cause unwanted bacteria. It is not heat friendly, so hot pads are a must. Quartz is a good option for those who want a consistent pattern or color for their countertops.
If you are searching for a new home, please know San Joaquin Valley Homes is still busy building homes throughout the Central Valley. Our model homes are open daily, we offer private in-person appointments and our virtual tours are available on our website.
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