Five Ways to Know You’re Ready to Buy Your First Home

September 28, 2020

Transitioning from renting to buying may be one of the if not the biggest step of your life, so it’s important to be confident that you’re ready to march forward – it’s not only a financial decision, but also an emotional one. Here are five ways to know if the optimal time has finally arrived for this life-changing decision.

You have a secure job. It goes without saying that job security allows you to make financial decisions you may not have been able to make in the past. In addition, some longevity at a workplace can be beneficial when applying for a mortgage.

You have a good credit score. Along with the more likelihood of being approved, your positive credit score can actually help you save money on your home purchase. The higher your score often determines your interest rate and gives you more choices as to what types of mortgages you will be approved for.

You have the necessary down payment. All your diligent and painstaking saving for the past few years has finally paid off! Now when you visit your desired new home community, you can make your dream a reality and pay the down payment on your new home.

You know where you want to live. Since buying a new home is a semi-permanent transaction, it’s best to know what geographic area makes the most sense for you. If you’re contemplating a move to a different county or state in the near future, perhaps you should wait just a little longer until you’re sure of where you want or need to be.

Understand the real estate market. Like all financial markets, the real estate market has its ups and downs. Sometimes it’s in the buyers’ favor; sometimes the seller gets to make the decisions. Read the experts’ opinions and study the trends prior to purchasing, so you know you’re making a most-informed choice.

If you are searching for a new home, please know San Joaquin Valley Homes is still busy building homes throughout the Central Valley. Our model homes are open daily, we offer private in-person appointments and our virtual tours are available on our website.

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