So you found a new home that you love. You have signed the paperwork, and now you are ready to pack up your belongings and move on to life in your new home.
But it’s not that simple. Moving can provoke all kinds of emotions. While excited for what lies ahead, you are probably a little sentimental about leaving something behind. You are full of enthusiasm for the move, but you are not really that excited about seeing all your things in boxes.
Excitement can really take a nosedive when you’re packing. It may not seem like you have much stuff, but once you get your books off the shelves and the kid’s toys out from under the bed, and all your dishes out of the cabinets, a whole day has gone by and you haven’t even packed up half the house.
Once you do finally pack all your things and get them inside your new home, you will likely be exhausted. In order to help you survive your first night in your new home, we have put together a few tips to encourage you in the endeavor:
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